Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013

Tugas B. Inggris nih B-)

haaha..., entah mengapa di kuliah ini aku sangat tertarik sama bahasa Inggris :3
yah emang dari dulu kali, tapi ini mah.. heehe aku kan jurusan akuntansi, tapi aku malah mendalami bahasa inggris aku.. wkwk... apalagi dosen bahasa inggris aku seruu orangnya. masih muda dan ramah namanya Miss Siti Nurjannah. katanya semester ini kami lebih memperdalam menulis bahasa inggris. Jadi, kami di kasih tugas menulis cerita bahasa inggris. 2 cerita dalam 1 minggu. heehe... yah, karena cerita ini dikumpul di akhir semester, dan dikumpulkan dalam bentuk softcopy jadi sekalian aja aku post di blog. haahaha... siapa tau kalo ada yang baca terus ternyata cerita aku amburadul bahasanya kan bisa komen dan ngasih masukan bahasa inggris yang benar itu seperti apa. (Ngarep banget sih di komen) wkwkwk...
yah, tapi yang namanya juga kita belajar :)
jangan menyerah dan terus selalu semangat ^0^

Story 1

This day is Tuesday. As usually, I go to my college in UMY. I ridding my bicycle everyday to arrive my campus. Lecture is begin at 07.00 a.m.
Honestly, it's too early for me, but I must keep spirit ^_^
When I arrive, i meet with my friend. Then we finish our accounting assignment before the lesson begin. At 07.00 o'clock we start studying accounting lesson. We do exercise, but it's too bad for me because I can't finish my exercise. So, I just get one point. But it's okay, because my sister said that lecture wasn't about getting value. And I think having knowledge is more important than value. So, my spirit can up again :D
Actually, when I high school my faculty is science. And my dream is became scientist. But I beliefe in word "man jadda wa jadda'' it's mean that 'who are in earnest will be successful' . I hope whatever I will be, I can make my parents and my family proud. And I hope I can useful for this nation :)

Story 2

This day I follow Russian class. This is my first experience in Russian language and it's fun enough for me. Russian language is very difficult. But I must keep spirit ^_^
Oh, and I can get new friends from other faculty. her name is Ayu. She is from agriculture faculty and her friend, aa... I'm sorry I forget her name ^0^
And other good thing that I get in that Russian class is the word 'ya lyublyu tebya'. It's mean 'I love You' Ccx
That is the most word I like in Russian language. wkwkwk
Because I'm falling in love. Actually, the person that I love isn't in Jogjakarta, but he is in Palembang :( . And honestly, he has girlfriend already. But I still loving him don't know why ^0^
And he is younger 3 year from me. I feel very stupid of course, but it's love isn't it? wkwkwkk

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